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Beth’s Decision Has RICK AND MORTY Fans Scratching Their Heads

Sunday’s Rick and Morty was the penultimate episode of season 3, and it featured a major reckoning between Rick and his daughter, Beth. For the first time since the series began, Beth saw her father for who he really is, and she also came to some surprising realizations about herself. As Rick said, “the acorn went straight down,” and he gave Beth an important choice about her future. Today’s Nerdist News is examining what this means for the future of the show and looks back at the insanity of Froopyland.

There are major spoilers ahead for “The ABCs of Beth.” If you’re not up to date with Rick and Morty, now would be a good time to portal out of here!

Join your host, and the owner of a sentient switchblade, Jessica Chobot, as she walks us through “the Craster’s Keep edition of Candyland,” which is just about the perfect description of Froopyland. Even Rick couldn’t have foreseen the cannibalism/incest that Beth’s friend, Tommy, brought to the land after she essentially left him to die. More disturbingly, Beth resisted the idea that she had wronged Tommy until she realized that she really is like Rick. But for Beth, that was also her most empowering moment as she literally cut a path through Froopyland’s creations.

The biggest question on our minds is whether Beth accepted Rick’s offer to create a clone of her to stay with her family while she goes off on her own. The ending of the episode certainly seemed to imply that the real Beth had left, but the show didn’t definitively say one way or another. Naturally, we’ll be watching Beth closely for any signs that she’s not the original. Perhaps that was the entire point. Beth really is her father’s daughter; this could lead to a larger role for her in the series.

Do you think that Beth abandoned her family for her own adventures? Or is she ready to take a more active part in the show? Let’s discuss in the comment section below!

Images: Adult Swim

Enjoy *burrrrp* more Rick and Morty!

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