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Review: Devil’s Due Launches GALAXYS FOR HIRE

Comic book publisher Devil’s Due has been relatively quiet lately, but that’s about to change with launch of their new digital first series, Galaxys For Hire. The title releases one page at a time, for free, on Devil’s Due’s site. Free comics are always a good thing, but the pot is made sweeter by the fact that Galaxys For Hire is an actually pretty good. It’s definitely worth checking out, and since it doesn’t cost you a dime, what have you got to lose?

Galaxys For Hire looks and feels like other popular science fiction comics that are currently on the stands (like Saga, for instance). It’s big, brightly color, and alien, but incredibly familiar to our own world. The characters all talk with a casual, modern style, even when they are fighting giant dragons or making cosmic drug deals. You even could argue that Galaxy For Hire is a little too familiar at times, with some of the designs and characters looking like mash-ups from other comic series. That won’t stop you from enjoying the book though, because it moves fast and is tons of fun to read. Writer (and Nerdist alumni!) Shawn DePasquale wears his influences on his sleeve, and there is nothing wrong with that.

Where Galaxy For Hire really excels is in the art department. Artist Sherard Jackson and colorist Whitney Cook deliver some gorgeous pages, especially in the issues opening scene. The aforementioned giant dragon looks amazing. So good, in fact, that when the dragon isn’t on the page everything else feels little lesser energized. There’s still good stuff throughout, but Jackson clearly has a talent for drawing giant monsters. If nothing else, Galaxys For Hire is worth checking out just to see that awesome dragon scene. Did we mention it’s free, guys? A free giant dragon, what else could you ask for?

Check out the book here.

Rating: 3 out of 5 burritos

3 burritos

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