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Reverse-Flash Returns for Wally West in THE FLASH #18 (Exclusive Preview)

Reverse-Flash Returns for Wally West in THE FLASH #18 (Exclusive Preview)

If you currently are enjoying The Flash on the CW, then you have no excuse left to not read the excellent comic book counterpart that’s part of the current DC Rebirth lineup from writer Joshua Williamson. And just as the younger Wally West has taken on the mantle of Kid Flash on the television series, Wally in the comics is also coming into his power as Kid Flash in the comics as well. But while TV Wally’s father is the world’s best dad, detective Joe West, in the comics Wally’s father is none other than the Flash’s opposite number, the Reverse-Flash, Daniel West (in the current DC Comics continuity, Daniel West is Iris’ brother, and Wally her nephew).

In recent months, Barry Allen has had his hands full, first having to to contend with an assortment of new speedsters in Central City, among them the villainous Godspeed. Oh, and did we forget to mention the return of his deadly Rogue’s Gallery? And all the while he’s taking on a new junior partner named Wally West and training him, just as he did with the previous Wally (that Wally is the current Wally’s older cousin named after the same relative, and is now the grown up Flash #2 that appears in the pages of Titans. Yeah, I know, just go with it). But will Barry and Wally be able to handle the return of the Reverse-Flash? May the (Speed) Force be with them!

You can check out our exclusive extended preview of the first five pages of The Flash #18  in our gallery below!

Publisher: DC Comics

Writer: Joshua Williamson
Artists: Neil Googe
Cover Artists: Carmine Di Giandomenico, Dave Johnson (Variant)

Here’s the official synopsis:

“SINS OF THE FATHER” part one! With his superhero career finally underway, Wally West must learn the truth about his father, Daniel West, the long-lost villain known as Reverse-Flash. To retrace his steps, Kid Flash and The Flash must travel to the most dangerous place in the DC Universe: Belle Reve Prison!”

The Flash#18  is due to hit stores on Wednesday, March 8.

Are you looking forward to seeing the return the Rebirth version of the Reverse- Flash? Let us know what you think down below in the comments.

Images: DC Comics




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