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Report: Tim Blake Nelson Joins Josh Trank’s FANTASTIC FOUR Reboot

With filming underway on Fox’s reboot of the Fantastic Four franchise, you’d think casting would be finished, especially since we already have the main players filled out in the form of Miles Teller, Jamie Bell, Kate Mara, Michael B. Jordan, and Toby Kebbell. However, thanks to an item posted by The Hollywood Reporter, it appears there’s one more player that’s going to be popping in for the reboot.

The trade has reported that Tim Blake Nelson, last seen being teased for a role as Hulk villain, The Leader in the MCU, has signed on for the role of Harvey Elder aka Mole Man. His part in the film will be not unlike his role in The Incredible Hulk, as the current plan, according to the report, is to merely introduce the Elder character in order to setup a possible villain run later down the road. Fox has not yet commented on the matter.

Fantastic Four hits theaters June 19th, 2015

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  1. SSGOKUBEAR says:

    This movie has already failed even before it starts filming!

  2. TJ Heesch says:

    i think Tim Blake Nelson is a great character actor but…it’s still not changing my mind about how terrible this reboot is going to come off as…a black Human Torch?!? GTFO…and Billy Elliot as The Thing…has any of these producers EVER read the comic book?!?