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Relive All of STAR WARS: A NEW HOPE as an Infographic

Long before it was called Episode IV or A New Hope, the very first Star Wars movie captured the imaginations of fans and ushered in a new era for blockbuster films. This week marked the 39th anniversary of Star Wars, a story that many of us know by heart. But you’ve never seen it quite like this!

Via Gizmodo, one Star Wars fan has taken it upon himself to make an infographic that retells the entire story of the first film. And when we say “entire story,” we’re not kidding! Every single line, every scene, and every character are represented in this scrollable creation. It might even take you a few hours to read the entire thing!

This was the work of Martin Panchaud, an artist and an author who joined together 157 images using Adobe Illustrator that reportedly “measure over 400 feet in length.” The following image is just a sample of Panchaud’s creation, which takes us through the beginning of the story and up to the escape of the droids from the Rebel blockade runner. (That’s the CR90 corvette for you hardcore fans.) Click on the image to see it in full size!

Star Wars Infographic

If you want to see the rest of that infographic, you’re gonna have to visit Panchaud’s site at, and be prepared to lose some time looking at all of the details! Panchaud also chronicled the making of his infographic, which you can find here.

What did you think about this Star Wars infographic? Use the Force and share your thoughts in the comment section below!


Featured Image: Lucasfilm

Image: Martin Panchaud


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