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Relive Agent Smith’s Hundred-hit Combo in CineFix’s 8-bit THE MATRIX

The 8-Bit Cinema gang is at it again, this time with their take on the first Matrix movie.

Animator David Dutton created the video with Henry Dutton supplying chiptune-accurate reproductions of the film’s soundtrack (listen out for the Propellerheads cut during the lobby sequence – it works).

An interesting fact: The Matrix was released only four years after the last NES cartridge was marketed and released in stores in the States. So it’s not too much of a stretch to imagine Acclaim or some company like it trying to get some of them Wachowski monies in the late ’90s with their own cash-grab games.

Instead, we got a pair of ill-fated games based on the movie; first, the big transmedia boondoggle that was Enter the Matrix, which not only didn’t allow you to play as Neo, but had bits and pieces of story bridging the first two movies that were kind of ignored/unnecessary to the simultaneously-released The Matrix Reloaded. 2005’s The Path of Neo was released a little bit after Matrix fever had died down, but was a far superior game with an incredibly odd, fourth-wall breaking ending by the film’s directors, delivering a big slobberknocker fight between a giant Agent Smith and Neo.

Honestly, I think we’re about due for another Matrix game, but that’s just me.

So what did you think of Dutton and Dutton’s 8-bit retelling of The Matrix? And how do you think it stacks up to CineFix’s 8-bit version of Godzilla? Let us know in the comments.

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  1. Good job Henry!!!  

  2. jason says:

    There were some actual 16-bit style games on the official Matrix website
    Matrix Meets Missile Command

    One more, a Bomberman/PacMan/Berzerk