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Recut DUMB & DUMBER Footage Becomes a Heartfelt Drama

Proper editing is vital to the film-making process. The script, actors, and director all have their important parts to play to make a good movie, but it also relies heavily on the editor’s skill in cutting together what’s created into a cohesive story after everything is shot. Dramatic moments in film only work with the right lingering shot, and jokes wouldn’t be half as good without the perfectly timed cut or visual punchline. Take that contribution away or turn it on its ear and you can end up with something nowhere near what was intended.

Mashable Watercooler knows this all too well and capitalizes on it in their fantastic Trailer Mix series where they cut classic movie footage in a way that results in entirely different films. In the past they’ve cleverly re-tooled footage to make Transformers look like a classic sci-fi B-Movie, Inception look like a holiday comedy and even made Full Metal Jacket seem like it was made by Wes Anderson. While everyone of their Trailer Mix videos is wonderful, their re-imagining of Dumb & Dumber as a drama takes the cake.

One would think there wouldn’t be enough somber footage in such an iconic comedy to make it seem so dramatic but with clever edits and even the use of some of the more crazy parts of the movie actually work quite well. Jim Carrey‘s over-the-top energy that’s played for a laugh in the film seems like an Oscar bait performance out of context. The re-cut might even be exactly what was going on in Lloyd’s head all along as it follows a serious love story between he and Mary… Swim? Swammi? Slippy? Slappy? Swimmon? Sommen? Simmon? Swenson? Swanson?

What do you think of Dumb & Dumber as a dramatic film? Let us know in the comme… SAMSONITE! We were way off!

HT: Vulture, Mashable Watercooler
Image: New Line Cinema

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