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Recent Ubisoft Survey Indicates SKYRIM 2 & RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 May Be on Their Way

The leaks just keep pouring in. Based on a recent Ubisoft survey, announcements for both Red Dead Redemption 2 and Skyrim 2 may be on their way. Commence the heavy breathing. The survey posted this morning, asking gamers their opinion on the upcoming release, Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate. That’s all fine and dandy; the more important question we are concerned with is this: “Which of the following games are you planning to purchase?” The answers include a bunch of AAA titles that we already know are currently being worked on, but also includes the aforementioned sequels that weren’t, to our knowledge. Make no mistake, this is a a huge deal if indeed true.

You can peep the question here:



Neither Rockstar nor Bethesda have commented on this snafu by Ubisoft. I have also confirmed through the survey that this isn’t some fancy Photoshop piece. Also, the way the question is phrased makes it sound like the games are definitely in production.

Could both of these be revealed at E3? If that’s the plan, the surprise won’t be quite so special anymore. This is the exact reason Fallout 4 was announced before the show; leaks come from everywhere and anywhere around this time. By announcing it beforehand, these companies make sure to control the message and at least have the pleasure of revealing it their own way. Having their efforts revealed in this manner ruins months of work from these teams.

Luckily, both of these franchises are a big enough deal that the internet will explode with joy if and when they are officially unveiled regardless of if we knew about it. Make sure to fly your thoughts about this news into the comments section below.

HT: Gamespresso

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