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Real Life Talking Dug From Pixar’s UP Surprises Strangers in the Park

If it were possible for a dog–man’s best, loyal, kinda dumb, lovable best friend–to really speak to humans, it would sound and behave exactly like Dug from the Pixar movie Up. Has there even been a better written talking animal than that chubby little golden retriever with the special collar around his neck? And how wonderful would it be to really have that little guy bouncing around your home telling you how much he loves you and how great everything is? Well it would be even better than you can imagine, and we know because Disney sent a real life version of him out into the world to surprise some unsuspecting, very lucky people.

In this hidden camera “stunt” video from Disney (and we use quotation marks because this hardly seems like a stunt and more like an actual dream come true) shared on YouTube by Oh My Disney, a golden retriever in slightly better shape than the cartoon version and wearing a collar just like Dug’s in the movie (though this is really a type of walkie-talkie), runs around to unsuspecting park goers telling them how much he loves them, where his master is, the best places to pet him, and of course, how excited he is for a ball.

What really makes this great is that they got the voice of Dug and co-director of Up, Bob Peterson, to come back and voice the real-life version.

We’re not sure what part we like best, the innocence of the little girl who asks Dug how it’s possible for him to talk, only for her to be shocked by the answer, or the pure glee of the adults who obviously know this is just a fun little joke, but can’t help speaking to him like he’s a real talking dog.

Oh, that’s right, the best part–SQUIRREL!


–the best part is all of it.

What other cartoon animals do you wish you could meet in real life? If you’re up to it, tell us in our comments below.

Images: Disney/Oh My Disney



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