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Ray Bradbury Memories and Author Ernie Cline on “Ain’t It Cool”

Harry discusses the influence of the late Ray Bradbury and author and screenwriter Ernest Cline (novel “Ready Player One,” screenplay Fanboys) visits the basement this week on the Nerdist Channel’s Ain’t it Cool with Harry Knowles. He owns a DeLorean just like the one in that movie. You know the one. Time travel and all that.

Hey, one more thing: He bought a second DeLorean and you can win it. Yep, the second DeLorean is yours if you win a contest that Ernie’s conducting, based on an “Easter Egg” hidden in both hardcover and paperback editions of his novel (NOT the e-book versions). Find it and it’ll lead you to the first of three increasingly difficult video game challenges. And the first person to complete all three challenges wins the 1981 DeLorean (they say it includes the flux capacitor, but I’d check it to make sure all the same). The contest information can be found by clicking here; official rules are here, and so we’re clear, it’s his contest, not Nerdist’s.

He’ll be bringing the car on his book tour this Summer, so you can see it in person, too. The book tour has already left his home in Austin and passed through Dallas, Tulsa, and Boulder; he’s in Denver tonight (6/14) and headed to Portland, Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and San Diego through the 26th.

Click here and subscribe to the Nerdist Channel so you don’t miss a thing. You don’t need to fire up Doc Brown’s car to know what’s coming up before anyone else.

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