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Quan Chi Revealed as the Next MORTAL KOMBAT X Fighter

The next fighter to enter the Mortal Kombat X arena has arrived on a rideable satanic goat. Quan Chi will be raising the dead once again in Mortal Kombat X, and there’s a brand new trailer showing off the necromancer’s insanely sinister move set. The game’s producer Shaun Himmerick is on hand to give us a nice in-depth reveal of Mr. Chi below:

Quan Chi looks as annoyingly dangerous as he always has, with a plethora of portal-based moves that send him and his opponent flying all over the stage. A quote that stood out to me from Himmerick in the video: “Using his necromancer powers, Quan Chi has built an army of revenants from the falling earth realm warriors.” Could this be suggesting that some of the characters who were killed in the previous Mortal Kombat game are set to make a return? We’ve already seen zombified versions of fighters like Lui Kang in past installments of the series, so I wouldn’t call it far-fetched to assume that the same could be done here, given Quan Chi’s involvement.

Mortal Kombat X is set to release April 14, on PS4, PS3, Xbox One, 360 and Windows PC.

Is Quan Chi looking like the leg-wielding freak show that you remember from before? Teleport-stomp your thoughts into the comments below.

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