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PvP Robbery Confirmed in H1Z1 Gamplay Trailer

The first trailer for Sony Online Entertainment’s open world zombie game H1Z1 is here and apparently, the studio wants you to unleash your inner scumbag.

It seems as though SOE has been paying attention to all of those DayZ videos of roving gangs of players ripping off other players, making the zombies the second most dangerous thing in the game. Now, we’ve seen a bit of that already in DayZ, so the question is what H1Z1 will offer to the genre.

From the official synopsis:

“Set in a post-apocalyptic world, H1Z1 is a zombie survival MMO coming to the PC through Steam Early Access. Players must use their wits and skills, as well as strategically align with friends and against enemies in order to overcome environmental elements, hordes of zombies, and other hostile players if they want to survive the worldwide infection.”

SOE’s “survival MMO” actually ramps up the difficulty when you group up with other players: the plan is for the game’s zombies to be attracted to groups of players, meaning you might want to ice that extra player (or two) tagging along for your own continued survival. So that actually provides a gameplay reason to kill other players besides simply stealing their boots.

Besides DayZ, H1Z1 joins Rust in the recent trend of games about wandering through zombie-infested wastelands and hoping you can find enough food and ammo to survive. The developers behind Rust have promised that their game won’t simply focus on zombies, but will instead include other monsters.

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