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Pumpkin Chocolate Fries Make a Spooky Debut at McDonald’s Japan

Pumpkin Chocolate Fries Make a Spooky Debut at McDonald’s Japan

“Pumpkin flavored things is why we wake up in the morning,” is a direct quote from Shakespeare—I’m sure of it. For some of us, pumpkin season is the best season and where else would pumpkin food be taken to the extreme, but Japan.

Japan has fallen in love with Halloween, and in doing so—a.k.a. doing what they always do best—are creating some of the most excessively over-the-top items and running with it. This year McDonald’s Japan has next-leveled pumpkin with a spookalicious side dish or dessert (I’m not sure which) by creating pumpkin and chocolate fries for the holiday.

Back in January McDonald’s Japan unleashed McChoco Potato, the chocolate-drizzled fries that set the internet on fire. Turns out, however: they didn’t even taste bad! So naturally they’ve doubled down by combining it with pumpkin to make the Halloween Voltron of side dishes. You can’t be mad at them for this—by pushing the envelope McDonald’s Japan is only trying to make us better people.

In their Twitter post, they reveal standard McD’s fries topped with the familiar chocolate drizzle plus an orange topping that is clearly supposed to be the pumpkin. Like all things Japan, I think this needs a little more kawaii, but perhaps the ghost emoji in the tweet will have to suffice.

The “harrowing” fries (their words) will make their debut on September 28 and sadly only be available in Japan so you’ll have to scare up a plane ticket to go try it for yourself.

Do pumpkin chocolate fries sound like a spooky dream or a flavor-filled nightmare? Let us know in the comments!

Image: McDonald’s Japan


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