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Episode 169: Pro You Podcast by TJD
What I Learned At...

Pro You Podcast #169: What I Learned At…

Hello and happy Thursday! On today’s episode of Pro You Podcast, Tom shares a recent discovery that relates to his time in AA. Being raised Catholic, being an alter boy,  going to Christian churches, Tom shares that the very first time he ever truly felt any sense of spirituality or meaning was in AA. Organizing the Zen Garden one day Tom stumbled upon his AA coins and makes a Pro You connection along his Pro You Path and of course Tom is stoked to share what he has learned! Enjoy and as always thanks for listening!
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*Not all exercises are suitable for everyone and this or any other exercise program may result in injury. Any user of the exercise program assumes the risk of injury resulting from performing the exercise. You should always speak to your doctor before you change, start or stop any part of your healthcare plan, including physical activity or exercise.*  

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