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Episode 1: Pro You
Welcome to Pro You Podcast

Pro You #1: Welcome to Pro You Podcast

Premiere episode of the Pro You podcast! Meet Tom and John as they share their vision and goal of being Pro You!

Like Pro You on Facebook, follow @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and visit the website!

*Not all exercises are suitable for everyone and this or any other exercise program may result in injury. Any user of the exercise program assumes the risk of injury resulting from performing the exercise. You should always speak to your doctor before you change, start or stop any part of your healthcare plan, including physical activity or exercise.*

Making It

Making It : Diora Baird

The Best of SUPERNATURAL’s Geeky Aliases

The Best of SUPERNATURAL’s Geeky Aliases

Tickling the Dragon’s Tail: The Story of the “Demon Core”

Tickling the Dragon’s Tail: The Story of the “Demon Core”



  1. Cinders says:

    This was GREAT!  Motivating, real and can’t wait to go listen to more 🙂

  2. Sarah C says:

    Hi there! Listened to your first 2 podcasts and loved them. (And did John yell “Go Pats!” at the end of the first podcast? If so, this Massachusetts girl is definitely on board, lol!). Such positive energy you’re sending out! Love it. 
    Anyway, I’m looking for advice in terms of how to get started and *stay* started. I was pretty athletic and active in high school and in my 20’s, then kids, career and responsibilities (and excuses) set in. When I start a new fitness regimen, I push myself WAY too hard (e.g., 20 crunches and walk a mile? NO! I’m going to do 200 and 5 miles!!!) and end up really sore and discouraged and it will be weeks/months before I can brush it off and get started. It’s an all-or-nothing mentality I need to get over. 
    What can I do to get back started slowly, see results, and stick with it in the long run? I already eat healthy and drink a lot of water, but what can I do physically to get back on track?
    Sorry to be so wordy! Looking forward to your response. Best wishes on your new venture.

    • tom says:

      Hi Sarah, thank you so very much & yes, John is Pats & Red Sox all the way! Small consistent focused steps is key. Having a plan that is a lifestyle; no stopping or starting, no beginning, no end – it is who you are. That is what you’re body is trying to tell you; you used to be, you used to do, but you are YOU today, w/ your schedule, responsibilities, etc – you must fit ‘it’ into your life. I say this akll the time “check a box 3 times a week that signify you worked out (did something Pro You) 3 times & do this for 6 months. The size, shape, color does not matter.” Accumulate boxes! Thank you Sarah & I know you can do this! Keep listening & be the best you!

  3. Saz says:

    So happy Hardwick was able to talk you into this!  I’m going to listen to your first episode in the gym today!

  4. Nikki says:

    Great idea for a podcast, thank you!I’m going to throw out a question that hopefully you can answer on another podcast? I would really appreciate your insight into my situation: I have been a vegetarian for 16 years and recently cut out dairy. I do not eat fast food or smoke. I seldom drink alcohol or drink caffeine. I go through these cycles where for 6ish month stretches at a time, I will consistently go to the gym every other day and I never loose weight. In turn, I get frustrated and stop going. Currently, I’ve been on a consistent gym stretch since November 2014. I have not lost any weight in this time, in fact, I am the heaviest I have ever been. I work out for an hour every other day doing half cardio (elliptical) and half strength training (I mix it up with abs, arms, and legs). I am trying not to get frustrated and stick with it, but it is beyond frustrating for me when I don’t loose weight or have any physical results. Emotionally, working out doesn’t do much for me beyond the fact that I know I won’t beat myself up that day for not working out.Any help or advice is appreciated! Thank you!

    • tom says:

      HI Nikki, thank you so much for listening, much appreciated! We’ve had some questions like these before; nutrition is the key. Doesn’t sound like you eat bad, so it may be portion size or sugar intake. Not knowing amore details, not sure why this is what it is. My wish for you is that you wkout because you know it’s good for you & it makes you a better you. But I do understand how you must feel & why you’re frustrated.  LAstly, I may tru getting a check up & make sure all is well w/ you. Thank you again, keep listening & be the best you!

  5. Whitney says:

    I have a question: I find that the only real way for me to drop weight is running.  I enjoy kickboxing and yoga but they don’t really help me shed pounds.  However, I took a break from running and now I’m having some serious shin splint problems when I try to run.  Do you have any suggestions for alternate work outs that help you shed pounds, or a way to kick the shin splints?

    • Tom says:

      Shin splints like any ‘warning’ is a sign. What to do is the question; it may be take time off & heal. It may be to discontinue, try something else. Having an opening communication line with your body will assist in diagnosing what to do & where to go. I would suggest, swimming, elliptical or biking – all low impact. Remember: Nutrition is key

  6. Drew says:

    Definitely adding this to my regular podcast lineup. Can’t wait to see how this progresses. You both seem like very positive guys and I’m sure that you’ll bring that positivity to your listeners. I already feel motivated!

  7. ivo says:

    When will this be available on stitcher?

  8. Thom says:

     Hey John, hey Tom!         I really like this first episode! I’m hoping you can help me with something… 
         I am a 27 year old living in NYC and I have recently gotten sober (I am 2 months drug and alcohol free as of writing this). With this decision came the inspiration to be more “Pro-me” in other area’s of my life as well, including a healthier diet and exercise in my daily life. Since I’m not partying and going out to bars every nite like I used to, and am instead using the extra time and money I’m saving  to get a membership at the YMCA near my work.
         In the first few weeks I was exercising consistently, about 3-4 days a week, but this slowly tapered off to maybe getting in once a week or not at all.  I’ve found that when I am sticking to a consistent  routine, I am more likely to stick to my healthier diet, I am more mindful, and feel much more emotionally stable.  But sooner or later I begin to slide out of that routine and before I realize it, I’m in a bad place mentally.  I find myself being much more negative in my thoughts and it starts a whole vicious cycle of being unmotivated to do anything about it.  My question is, how do you keep that initial motivation fresh and get to that point you talked about where you are excited to work out on a consistent basis?  
         I am really grateful for the show and appreciate any insight!  Looking forward to more episodes!

    • Tom says:

      Thanx for listening, liking, sharing & your question Thom – much appreciated! we’re going to get to the questions, when we can on the episodes so keep listening!

  9. Tom J Deters says:

    Thank you so much for the question/comments but I have not been able to reply (glitch) so I just wanted you guys to know we are reading them & will do our best to answer as many as we can during the podcast – thanx!

  10. larspeh says:

    cool, i need this, this is great! thanks!

  11. C Vargas says:

    I have listen to podcasts where people talk over each other and you can’t understand them. I am glad that you guys are very clear when one talks to other and one stops when the other is talking. everything you are saying is very positive and I definitely could learn something and put it towards my every day life. FYI when I go to in and out I always order the protein style burger it is the best. This is also great because some people want to have or change their lifestyle and do not know where to start so this is a great way to inform and educate people on how to do so. Knowledge and motivation is the key! Thanks guys ! 

  12. CH says:

    This is a great listen! This is the perfect timing for a podcast like this I feel like our world is just starting to be more aware of a healthy way of living and changing up the lifestyle. 

  13. Vincent_S says:

    This is cool. Also coincides with the recent change I’m planning for myself.

  14. BigScaryDuck says:

    Love the concept and the first episode, really excited to see what comes next!

  15. M Rowe says:

    Like the idea of this podcast if for no other reason to have that little extra motivation to do something healthier in my life. I’ve been working remote from home for 1.5 years now and have abused the situation to get in lunchtime workouts without worrying about make-up, workplace showers, or travel time to the gym. It’s been a nice perk.
    So, a question about stretching. Being female and all of the physical things that entails, about once every 2-3 months, I manage to do an exercise that tweaks something in my upper back between my shoulder blades. The pain radiates, so I can’t pinpoint exactly where I did damage. Is there a good way to stretch that area of the back? It seems to be a mystery spot that none of the typical stretches reach. Thanks!

    • To says:

      Hi, I can reply now – yay! Thanx & much appreciated! We’ll try to get to as many questions as we can on the podcast – again thank you!