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Prince Joins Instagram, Creates #Princetagram

Although he may be a musical genius and living rock legend, the ever mercurial Prince has a weird relationship with the internet, to say the least. In the early interweb days, he released a lot of new music that way, only to abandon those methods just as fast as he’d adopted them. And good luck trying to find any of his music on YouTube these days.

Actually, It wasn’t that long ago that Prince then declared the internet as “completely over”, and then just this year he dropped his new album exclusively via Tidal (before previewing it first on Spotify, because reasons.) He briefly had Twitter and Facebook accounts, before quickly deleting them. In the end, we are not meant to understand the mind of the Purple One it seems. We should all just sit back and watch the show.

And the show continues this week, as Prince has joined Instagram, creating a new account, which he has dubbed “Princetagram.” If you’re sitting there thinking “well, that sounds like something a narcissistic 17 year old would do”, let me be the first to remind you that for Prince, narcissism was cool way before the YouTube generation discovered it.  After all, this is the man who once wrote the lyrics “In the beginning/God made the sea/but on the seventh day/he made me.”So what kind of goodies can we find on the all new Princetagram? Well, ever since making his first post on the verified account last week, His Royal Badness has been posting content tirelessly, with almost 100 posts so far. They are mostly pics of himself, some recent, some vintage, as well as the occasional concert snaps and fan art. But maybe the best part of this whole Princetagram thing has got to be all the Prince related memes, some of which feature comedian Dave Chappelle from his infamous Prince skit from the old Chappelle Show. It’s good to see Prince has a sense of humor about himself under all that ego.

You can check out Princestagram by clicking right here, but hurry. You never know when he’ll just say “this bores me” and delete the whole thing

HT: NY Daily News

IMAGES: Prince

Featured image courtesy of Comedy Central

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