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Preview ROBOT CHICKEN’s Raunchy New Super Hero Comedy, SUPERMANSION

“We might have the first Comic Con exclusive trailer to feature a fully uncensored penis in it.”

With that sentence, SuperMansion co-creator Zeb Wells proved to everyone attending the show’s panel just what to expect from the Crackle exclusive. SuperMansion takes the unique humor and groundbreaking stop-motion style of animation seen in Robot Chicken to a whole new level. The series is a raunchy and hilarious look at the lives of aging superheroes as they struggle to remain relevant in a modern world. The show boasts writing talent fresh off of Robot Chicken, and voice talents including Bryan Cranston, Seth Green, and Keegan Michael Key, all of which promises a hilarious show that not even TV could handle.

“I wanted to create a show that had legitimately funny superheroes in it, instead of just making jokes about superheroes,” explained Wells. “I met [fellow co-creator] Matt Senreich through Wizard Magazine, where they held contests for short films, and the ones I created were essentially the basis for what became SuperMansion. After writing for Robot Chicken for a while, and doing their Star Wars Specials and DC Comics Specials, I really wanted to get a chance to tell longer stories, and Matt wanted to do something based around superheroes. It was just a natural fit.”

Wells was joined on stage at the start of the panel by fellow writer Tom Root, who also voices the character of Brad, as well as both Seth Green and Titanium Rex himself. That is, until Bryan Cranston came to claim his rightful spot on the panel.

After the crowd died down everyone wanted to know how “the Robot Chicken guys” got Bryan Cranston on their show. Luckily, Mr. Cranston was more than willing to let them in on the secret. “They got me involved in this show because these guys wrote a great script, and it’s really the story about these superheroes who are beyond their abilities, perhaps lost some strength in some areas, and how they deal with everyday life. I just thought it was very refreshing and fun and exciting to do so I said yeah, let’s do it.”

“In the script, since the beginning, we referred to Titanium Rex as being ‘Bryan-Cranston-like,’ and it was only by a stroke of luck that we were instead able to actually have Bryan Cranston do the voice for him,” exclaimed Wells. “He is so fun, and such a hard worker, while still being very down-to-earth. We have tried to push the show even farther than Robot Chicken has at points, and he is always 100% on-board for it.”

Tom Root added, “People will get attached to these characters. My character Brad is the “hulking” monster type of hero who is also an addict, but we don’t just use it as a joke. Brad has some demons and things he is trying to replace in his life, which will be explored. The characters truly have a depth to them that honestly makes the show that much more enjoyable to make.”


[Image: HeisenbergYoutube]

Despite this deeper take on a comedy show, the panel was still filled with goofy fun. The question-and-answer segment of the panel didn’t escape the ridiculousness either, as questions inevitably led to Cranston and Seth Green spooning in front of the whole crowd. Arguably the biggest crowd pleasing moment came when Cranston expressed his interest in portraying the X-Men villain Mr. Sinister on-screen, and Green teased a Breaking Bad sketch from the new season of Robot Chicken.

SuperMansion airs Thursdays on Crackle.

Featured Image – Crackle

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