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Preview Images of New STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS Hasbro Toys

It’s crazy to think that Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens is less than four months away now, but if that four month wait still seems particularly long, at least we’ve got Force Friday coming up on September 4th to tide us all over until the big day arrives on December 17th.

And just what is this Force Friday you might ask? It’s the day when the first wave of toys and games from Hasbro featuring characters and vehicles from the The Force Awakens are released to the public, giving a fans an early preview of what to expect from the movie. Of course, a lot of these toys have already shown in up wherehouses around the country, and someone has posted pics of the various items online via imgur, for those of you who liked to shake your presents under the tree before Christmas arrives.

What’s interesting to take away from these photos is that there seems to be no older Han Solo figures from the new movie, despite the fact that we know he clearly plays a prominent role in the film. No older Leia either, or really any of the “Legacy” characters aside from the droids and Chewbacca. (Luke being kept out of the initial line-up is not surprising, as they seem to want to keep the elder Master Skywalker’s appearance a surprise.) Do they think kids don’t want to play with “old people” figures? Because my old Obi-Wan Kenobi figure got plenty of play back in the day, I can tell you.

Also a surprise, although a nice one, is the amount of classic Star Wars characters being included as part of these assortments. Darth Vader stuff always sells, but nice to vintage versions of Luke, Leia and Han, as well as more recent Clone Wars era stuff like Ahsoka and Clone Commander Cody. (and before anyone asks, just because there are classic characters included in these action figure assortments doesn’t mean we are suddently going to see Boba Fett in this movie. Everyone hold your horses.)

You can check out all 63 product images, including a Chewbacca Furby called “Furbacca”, in the gallery below:

Hasbro Force Friday Catalog


HT: Alcapwner



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