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President Obama Tries to Name Every GAME OF THRONES Death

Regardless of how you feel about our current president’s politics, it’s fairly inarguable that he’s our greatest ever nerd-in-chief. He’s been on the cover of Spider-Man, given the Vulcan salute with Nichelle Nichols, sat through one of Zach Galifiankis‘ awkward interviews, responded to a petition to build a Death Star, and used his executive power to get Game of Thrones episodes early, as pretty much any of us would do if we were him.

That last one comes into play in a new BuzzFeed video, shared by Entertainment Weekly, as he attempts to name every dead character in the HBO show, all in an effort to prove that doing so is harder than registering to vote. And it is our sincere hope that just because he expresses gratitude that Joffrey bought the farm, those who oppose him politically will not suddenly start petitioning HBO to bring back Zombie Joffrey as the next butt on the Iron Throne. Some things really do need to stay bipartisan, after all.

Other things Obama strives to show as more difficult than registering to vote include making a friendship bracelet for Joe Biden, untangling headphones, and playing the game of Operation! On that last one, Obama’s awfully calm, given what a pain the game actually is.

Can you beat the president, and name all the characters Game of Thrones has killed off? Without checking our recaps? Maybe you’ll earn our vote someday if you can. Give it a shot, and let us know how you did in comments below [no spoilers, please!].

Featured Image: Buzzfeed video

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