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Premiere: The Yawpers’ ‘Doing It Right’ is a Bounty Hunting Bloodbath

The Yawpers are a three-piece rock and roll band from Denver, Colorado. The classic kind that people always say are dying off but are inevitably incorrect. There will always be people interested in unfettered aggression sublimated into the instrumental sludge of southern rock. And that is exactly what we have with “Doing It Right, their first single of their upcoming record American Man, out October 30 (via Bloodshot Records). For an early experience of this edgy, slide-guitar heavy trip, watch the decidedly violent music video for the first track, “Doing It Right”.

Frontman Nate Cook (who also directed the music video) had a few words to say about the emotional provenance of the song:

“Doing it Right” was my attempt to make sense of a broken marriage I was in at the time. It was also my first attempt at writing an ethical manifesto, though I don’t think it would play like that for anyone else. I didn’t exactly succeed in summing up my ideas of decency, but it’s a start.

The track does feel very personal, and we know from this opening lyric that we’re in for a song that tells a lovelorn story: “you can’t love her, she don’t stay, a woman like that, there’s a price to pay.”

If this is your jam, you can pre-order the album on CD, vinyl and digital here. Better yet, why not catch their live show? Here are their tour dates (grab a ticket).

The Yawpers Tour Dates:

10/31 Las Vegas, NV – Backstage Bar & Billiards *
11/6 Flagstaff, AZ – The Museum Club
11/8 Long Beach, CA – Alex’s Bar (Early show)
11/8 West Hollywood, CA – Viper Room (Late show)
11/10San Francisco, CA – Neck of the Woods
11/11Medford, OR – Johnny B’s
11/12Corvallis, OR – The Majestic Theatre
11/13Portland, OR – Dante’s
11/14Bellingham, WA – The Green Frog
11/15Seattle, WA – El Corazon
11/18Bozeman, MT – Zebra Cocktail
11/19Salt Lake City, UT – Club X
11/20Ft. Collins, CO – Hodi’s Half Note
11/21Denver, CO – Hi-Dive
11/25Kansas City, MO – Riot Room **
11/27St. Louis, MO – Off Broadway **
11/28Chicago, IL – Subterranean **
12/1 Ft. Wayne, IN – Brass Rail
12/2 Grand Rapids, MI – Tip Top
12/3 Cleveland, OH – Now That’s Class
12/4 Pittsburgh, PA – Thunderbird Cafe
12/5 New York, NY – Bowery Electric
12/9 New Haven, CT – Cafe Nine
12/10Philadelphia, PA – Milkboy

The Yawpers album

Wondering what ‘The Yawpers’ means? No, it’s not gibberish. It’s a nod to Walt Whitman’s Leaves of Grass, “I sound my barbaric yawp over the roofs of the world.” Very appropriate.

HT: Bloodshot Records

IMAGE: Paul Beaty

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