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Pour a Nice Glass of Blue Milk to Go with STAR WARS Character Pancakes

May the fork be with you.

I find your lack of syrup disturbing.

Someday I will be the most powerful master chef ever.

I sense great fear in you, Skywalker. You have flour. You have sugar. But you don’t use them.

Fire up your griddle and your terrible Star Wars puns, because it’s time to feast on some more amazing pancake art, this time based on characters from the galaxy far, far away.

Created by pancake artist extraordinaire Dancakes of YouTube, his breakfast portraits span all seven movies — even the ones from the prequels look desirable. His colorful food includes beloved characters like Boba Fett, Mace Windu, Darth Maul, (old) Obi-Wan Kenobi, Admiral Ackbar, Darth Vader, and plenty of others from the first six films.

As for The Force Awakens, a few of the new characters that found a spot on the griddle includes the likes of Captain Phasma, BB-8, and Finn.

Considering these are actually edible pancakes, it’s amazing how great they look. You almost don’t want to eat them.

Except for the Jar Jar Binks pancake. First we’d smother him….sorry, I mean it…with butter, then drown him…it…with syrup. Then we’d silence Jar Jar forever in a glorious moment of edible vengeance. Hmm, hate-filled gungan pancake…

We know how hungry you have all been to see The Force Awakens after months (years!) of anticipation, but it’s cool to see that yearning end up in such a tangible expression of that desire.

What character would you have liked to see rendered in batter? Tell us in the comments below.

Image: Dancakes/YouTube

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