Guests Dana Gould (The Simpsons), Jim O’Heir (Parks and Recreation), Kevin Pollak (The Usual Suspects) and Jodie Sweetin (Full House) are still at the table with Cole and Vanessa, but this time, conversation centers on the terrible things 2013 threw at us, with each person sharing their personal Worst 5 lists, as well as offering up a New Year’s Resolution and their “theme song†for 2013.
Leave your personal Worst 5 of 2013 on our website for a chance to win a copy of Entertainment Weekly’s The Best and Worst of 2013 issue, signed by all of our guests!
The thing about these end of the year Pop my Cork episodes is that they are recorded over three hours on a weekend night, like a dinner party with snacks and booze. As the night goes on and more booze has been consumed, the snack etiquette whilst talking seems to go out the window. We’re sorry about that, and believe you me, we’re sensitive about it over here (we’re usually really really good about it). Sorry to torture your ear buds!
Illusion-XIII is overly sensitive. Great show.
Yeah, sad I couldn’t finish it. Wish the high fidelity mics people use these days it’s like having someone’s sandwich and mouth an inch from your ear. It’s really gross.
My apologies for singling out Dana, since now we’re up to Kevin’s section, and it appears someone decided to serve a banquet in the middle of the podcast. Look, I know an hour is a long time to wait if you’re hungry, but couldn’t each person just pause, put the sandwich to the side for the 10 minutes of their own segment, and speak clearly without making chewy-swallowy sounds into the mike between each phrase? Do your eating while somebody else is talking. It can’t be that hard.
I know that noise doesn’t bother every listener, but to those of us who are attuned to that particular type of noise, it is seriously nails on a chalkboard. Anybody who’s about to accuse me of being overly sensitive, just pause and think of the sound that gets under your skin: snoring, yapping dogs, your mother-in-law’s voice… and imagine hearing that sound every 5 seconds, in an earphone, while trying to enjoy a podcast.
This is easily avoidable, guys. I love your podcast, and I hate to have to make complaints, but hopefully this will be taken as a constructive reminder that your listeners like your podcast so much, we only want the best for it.
Dana Gould, you’re a funny guy, but holy crap, did you never learn not to speak with your mouth full?! On a Podcast?! Haven’t we been over this already?
Great stuff, guys. I kind of wish this podcast was always in this round table format, because it works so well.