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Pop My Culture #135: David Nadelberg

David Nadelberg (creator of Mortified) joins Cole and Vanessa to chat about The Sound of Music Live, Emmett Otter’s Jugband Christmas, The Kids in the Hall, IFC vs. The Sundance Channel, The Golden Globe nominations, Oprah, being muppets, The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, Calvin and Hobbes, loneliness, and David’s emotional session with Rick Schroder.

Leave your answer to the firsts question (the first Christmas movie or TV special you can remember being into) on our website for a chance to win a Pop My Culture T-Shirt.

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What Are Varys' True Motivations in the GAME OF THRONES?

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Top 10 Essential HOME MOVIES Episodes

Fan Art Turns SpongeBob and Patrick Into Horrifying Live-Action Humans

Fan Art Turns SpongeBob and Patrick Into Horrifying Live-Action Humans



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