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POKKÉN TOURNAMENT Confirms 3 New POKÉMON Challengers

A wild Mewtwo appears!

The Pokémon news has been flooding in these last couple of days, and today is no different. As you already know, Pokkén Tournament, a Pokémon/Tekken mashup, is coming to North America at some point in 2016 for the Wii U. Today, a new leak from CoroCoro has revealed three new playable characters that will be included in the fighting game: Mewtwo, Garchomp, and Braixen.

We already knew that Shadow Mewtwo would be making an appearance, so this just reveals that the scientifically created pocket monster’s standard form will also be included. Take a gander at the wonderful page spread of the game posted below.


2016 is certainly going to be interesting for Nintendo. Most of the media and general public is waiting to hear more about their next home console, the NX. So, there really is no telling how much interest this title will garner. The good news is that it is a new Pokémon game; the name alone will help it get off shelves.

That said, I’m not sure that the Wii U community is clamoring for a new fighting title when they already have Super Smash Bros Wii U. I guess it will come down to the gameplay, as it should. I also hope that the game will include some of the stranger Pokémon that have been introduced in recent games. Kicking ass as Vanilluxe (ice-cream cone Pokémon) sounds chill, but it may be hard since this monster has no limbs.

What do you guys think about these new additions? Too safe? Which weird monster do you want in the game? Let us know in the comments below.

HT: Nintendo Life

Image: Nintendo 

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