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A Gander at the First 52 Mortys from POCKET MORTYS

Some would argue that claiming a mobile title to be Game of the Year contender this early into 2016 is foolish, and to be honest, they’re probably right. But, those people have yet to take a gander at this newly released Pocket Mortys poster.

Adult Swim Games provided IGN with a look at the first 52 Mortys you’ll be running into when the Pokémon-style Rick and Morty game, Pocket Mortys, releases on January 14. Peep all the Morty magic below:


“Crazy Cat Morty” is one of my favorites already, and the “No Eye” version is just the creepiest thing I’ve ever seen. Adult Swim has further clarified that there will be a total of 82 Mortys included at launch, but it sounds like more could eventually be added.


We still don’t know all the specifics about the gameplay, but we can definitely use our deductive skills to speculate. From the poster above and the GIF already released, we know it’s obviously inspired by the classic Pokémon RPGs.

It appears that you’ll be collecting/battling Mortys, and evolving them through the standard RPG leveling-up system. I, for one, hope they do not deviate from that tried-and-tested formula. Mixing the Pokémon gameplay with Rick and Morty charm sounds like a match made in heaven.

You’ll be able to download Pocket Mortys on Android and iOS January 14.

Will you guys be giving this game a shot when it finally hits your mobile device? Which of the above Mortys is your favorite? Are any of them as creepy as the eye-less Morty? Let us know in the comments below.


Image Credit: Adult Swim Games

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