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POKÉMON Live Action Movie Is Finally Happening!

Pokémon has been a giant in video games and anime for about two decades now, but despite that, the franchise may have reached its true peak in popularity in the past couple weeks thanks to Pokémon GO. Perhaps the first thing ever that is even more popular than pornography.

Of course, Hollywood loves cashing in on successful media properties. Just look at the emoji movie, the Angry Birds movie, and the Tetris movie TRILOGY. Now, it’s finally happening: It was just announced that a live-action Pokémon movie is at last going to be made (via Variety).

Remember Great Detective Pikachu, the Japan-only eShop game that gave our favorite electric mouse words beyond “Pika Pika”? That’s what the movie is going to be based on. Beyond that, all we know about the film is that production will begin in 2017. Legendary Entertainment has the rights to the movie, which will be distributed outside of Japan by Universal Pictures, and is partnering with The Pokémon Company to bring it to life.

We actually may have already caught a glimpse of what the movie could look like, if the film stays true to the style of the game upon which it’s based. A trailer for Great Detective Pikachu – The Birth of a New Duo was released back in January, and below, you’ll see Pikachu don a Sherlock Holmes-style hat and (according to Bulbapedia) partner up with a young boy named Tim Goodman to solve cases in Rhyme City.

For more details about the plot points of the game (in case the movie draws inspiration from them), YouTuber AbdallahSmash026 played through it and provides some translations. For example, we learn that Tim and Pikachu share a special bond because Tim is the only human who can understand what Pikachu says.

Check out the first part of his playthrough below, and let us know in the comments what you’re going to do with yourselves now that all your childhood dreams have been fulfilled. If that’s not actually the case and you’re not feeling Great Detective Pikachu as Pokémon‘s live-action movie debut, the good news is that this is supposedly the first movie in “a live-action film franchise.”

Are you excited for a live action Pokémon movie? Are you on board with a Great Detective Pikachu storyline, or would you prefer the adventures of Ash, Misty, and co.? Let us know!

Editor’s note: Nerdist Industries is a subsidiary of Legendary Digital Networks.

Image: Nintendo/The Pokémon Company

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