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POKÉMON GO Player Claims to Have Caught Legendary Bird

POKÉMON GO Player Claims to Have Caught Legendary Bird

At the moment, there are a few of the original 151 Pokémon that can’t be caught in Pokémon GO: The transforming Ditto, the legendary Mew and Mewtwo, and the legendary birds Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres. Niantic CEO John Hanke recently said that these creatures might be made available soon via special events, but some players claim to have already gotten their hands on at least one of them.

One Reddit user claimed to have seen one as the reigning champion of a gym in a now-deleted post, providing screenshots and everything (via The Daily Dot). Then, a user in a Dayton, Ohio Pokémon Go Facebook group provided video showing an Articuno at a gym:

Kaitlyn Covey, the owner of the Articuno in question, said she got the legendary Pokémon as a gift from Niantic as an apology for an issue she was having with the game; Some of Niantic’s recent updates caused trouble with some users’ accounts, including accounts being reset. When pressed for proof of an email from Niantic, though, Covey was hesitant to provide a screenshot.

It is also possible that the Articuno is the result of a glitch or a hack of the game, as it some still doubt that Niantic would hand legendary Pokémon out as apologies. There are also apps that allows users to change a Pokémon’s skin so it appears to be different on the user’s phone, but not to other players. Still, this makes it easy enough to fake a video like the one above, so while this is a fun thought, we’re still going to wait for official word from Niantic before buying this story.

Featured image: The Pokémon Company

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