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PlayStation 4.5 Neo Officially Confirmed by Sony

There have been rumors circulating for a while now saying that Sony would be releasing a better, more powerful PlayStation console, and it seems that the rumors are officially confirmed. But don’t freak out about having to buy a brand new console so soon. As Kotaku reports, the enhanced PlayStation 4 (which, in addition to being called the PS 4.5 by some, has been code named Neo at Sony) is intended to sit alongside the PS4 and complement the standard console rather than replacing it.

At this point, we don’t know a ton about the console apart from the fact that it will support 4K resolution. Andrew House, CEO of Sony, explained to the Financial Times that it is expected all games will still support the standard PS4, and most (if not all) new games will support the enhanced PlayStation. So regardless of how you play, all PlayStation games should be available for your version of the PS4. Additionally, gamers using both the standard PlayStation 4 and the enhanced PlayStation 4 will also be able to use the PlayStation VR headsets. Apart from that though, there haven’t been any details of any specific upgrades or boosters that gamers can expect to find.

Of course the only downside of this news coming when it has means that Sony doesn’t intend to launch the PS4 Neo at E3. So we’ll have to stay in the dark about the inner-working of this upgraded system for a bit longer. Microsoft is also said to launch a similar product to compete with Neo, so we’ll have to see if they launch their upgraded system at E3. Regardless of what happens, it’s a bit of a relief to hear that the PlayStation 4 Neo isn’t going to make the PS4 irrelevant, because seriously, I feel like it was just yesterday that I could finally afford to upgrade my console.

What do you think of the PlayStation 4 Neo? Do you like this half step between the PS4 and a PS5, or do you think it’s a useless upgrade? Will you be getting yourself a Neo when it comes available? Tell me what you think in the comments!

Could cross-platforming really bring PlayStation and Xbox together? Watch our video on the topic below and join in the discussion!

Featured Image: Pierre F.

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