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Pictures Unravel the Mystery of DOCTOR WHO’s Mummy

The Doctor’s off on another adventure, possibly without his companion Clara Oswald, who was pretty upset at the end of “Kill the Moon,” but that’s not going to stop this Time Lord. Doctor Who‘s eighth series is now over halfway done (sob sob) and for episode 8, the Twelfth Doctor will be going to a futuristic past (or maybe a pastistic future) when he gets on board the Orient Express…that travels through space. Of course, he and the passengers aren’t the only things aboard the lengthy train; it seems an ancient artifact has decided to get up and kill people, and it only takes 66 seconds. Not much time for anything, really.

“Mummy on the Orient Express” looks to be a good ol’ rip-snorting good time of an episode, which will be much needed after the heaviness of that moon one. This one is written by Jamie Mathieson, who had previously written four episodes of Being Human, and directed by Paul Wilmshurst, who also directed last week’s show. The episode has some pretty big guest stars, unfortunately they are not particularly well known here in the U.S. First is talk show host, comedian, and lifelong Doctor Who fan Frank Skinner (who is pictured a lot on the gallery below and gets to go in the TARDIS by the looks of it), and the second is U.K. singing phenom Foxes, who I legitimately have never heard of at all. Still, I hadn’t heard of Katherine Jenkins either and she turned out all right in “A Christmas Carol.” If this episode is anything like the Agatha Christie story which gave this episode its name, I think that means everything on board will be the mummy…which I’m not sure makes sense, but we’ll see.

Below you’ll find the usual photo gallery and two teaser trailers. I have to say, I’m looking forward to this one for production design alone. Look at the sets! Look at the costumes! The Doctor wearing a tie! What fun! The episode, as always, will air Saturday at 9/8c on BBC America.


Images: BBC

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