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Pictures and Chatter from DOCTOR WHO Premiere “Deep Breath”

As the days until Doctor Who tick away slowly but surely, the steady train of new glimpses and looks at the premiere episode, “Deep Breath,” have kept on a-chugging. The BBC has released four new images for the August 23rd episode, set to be shown in over 1,500 cinemas worldwide as well as on BBC America here in the States, depicting the Twelfth Doctor (Peter Capaldi) along with Clara Oswald (Jenna Coleman) and one featuring Madame Vastra (Neve McIntosh), who looks to be living up to her Sherlock Holmesian sleuthing reputation by putting together pieces of clues on a map. That’ll be interesting to check out. Have a look below at the gallery.

In addition to these images, Empire Magazine also posted a new article on their website along with two specially-photographed portrait images of P-Caps and J-Col (I’m not as enamored with that nickname). Along with the images, the magazine also got some sound bytes from the two stars about the darker tone the series and the Doctor in general are going to take beginning in Series 8 and also how Capaldi, a longtime Who fanatic, wants to peel away the character’s accouterments and find the being inside.

“”It can become a kind of franchise where it’s not a real character at all”, cautioned Capaldi, “but just an amalgam of elements that people think are Doctor Who: a scarf, a bow tie… I wanted to be the actual Doctor Who.” (Yes, he calls the character “Doctor Who,” I think we’ll all have to get used to that.)

Capaldi also says in the article, “He’s more alien than he’s been for a while. He doesn’t quite understand human beings or really care very much about their approval.” And Coleman agrees. “With Matt’s Doctor [Clara] felt quite safe, really,” said Coleman. “She knew she’d be caught if she was in danger, but this guy is a lot less human-friendly and a lot less patient. He’s more removed and inaccessible. You can’t quite access him in the same way.”

Very interesting, I think. This series could alienate a lot of fans, but I also think the people making the show are fans enough themselves that they won’t do anything too drastic. Capaldi probably won’t go all Sixth Doctor and try to choke Clara, but if he’s a bit icy and aloof, I don’t think that’d harm anyone.

We’re almost there, fans! I’m pretty stoked, and also pretty curious. How are all these suggestions that the Doctor is going to be not so nice hitting your ears? Do you welcome the change or are you set in your Smithy ways? Let us know below!

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  1. Sandra Lund says:

    I hope it’s not too very dark.  David Tennant’s doctor could be very serious and sad, but had a sense of wonder and optimism.  Matt Smith’s was wacky but there was such anger within him.  Throughout its history, no matter how serious, the Doctor Who series has always kept some sense of humor.  I hope that is not lost.

    • MottRats says:

      Think about it this way?  The last of 11’s ‘generation cycle’ was spent in (was it 300 or 800 plus) years of all out daily conflict on Transalore (Sp?).  PCap is the extension of that conflict…  Of course his Doctor would be a no BS kinda Guy… 

  2. Tami Clanton says:

    Super excited for the change!  Tired of the companions crushing on the Doctor all the time.

  3. bring on the cranky

  4. Teresa says:

    I loved Matt Smith and David, and I am ready for Peter Capaldi. I remember when David changed I was really mad and decided I didn’t like Matt Smith, turns out I loved him he was a very good Doctor. I have decided to trust the directors, they know what they’re doing. Maybe some of you should too.    

  5. kgkg says:

    I just wish they’d show him without looking up. I’m sick of the white of his eyes already.

  6. TX_Dean Girl says:

    I’m really looking forward to the change. Can’t wait! I already have my tickets for the movie release. 😀

  7. David says:

    this is the way The Doctor was in the Beginning it took him a long time to become human friendly which really started with the 3rd Doctor cause he was stuck on Earth as a punishment. M

  8. Freder58 says:

    I think what’s happening is simply this: ever since Pat Troughton played The Doctor, there’s always been a bit of him, a bit of his lightness in the portrayal. Even during Colin Baker’s years, when he was allowed to do it. I think that Capaldi, for the first time in almost 50 years, is going back to William Hartnell as his source. Hartnell wasn’t completely unfeeling and so I hope that we will see some warmth under the cranky exterior, once in a while, but really I don’t see anything wrong with this approach. I do wish all the Matt Smith haters would just can it. I’m tired of listening to them whine. Matt was great and a great Doctor in his own way. 

  9. I was sick of Matt mad ways so I will welcome a more serious Doctor. Matt had almost made a caricature of the Doctor and I found that really annoying at times. Capaldi wil; do well.

  10. Emma says:

    I can’t wait!! The Doctor is the Doctor, no matter who plays him. Peter Capaldi will be wonderful!

  11. Applemask_ says:

    “(I’m not as enamored with that nickname).”

    • Sarah W. says:

      Really? Out of that entire article, /that/ is what you decide to comment on? It truly shows how immature you are. Tabloids and such use nicknames like that for celebrities. It doesn’t mean that they’re talking like a child. It’s just a “thing.” Your icon is a freaking My Little Pony for crying out loud! You shouldn’t be one to talk…

    • tr3b0r85 says:

      I’m guessing that he didn’t come up with the nicknames but probably pulled them from the article he is referring to.

  12. Mark says:

    I think a darker more distant doctor gets back to our roots. The earlier doctor’s were very distant. I think it adds a human element rather than detracts from it, because by making the Doctor more distant you identify more with the human characters.

  13. Joe Spencer says:

    As long as they maintain a certain amount of energy, I’m fine with a grouchier, impatient, more alien Doctor.  Nine (Eccleston) once angrily called humans, apes, and yet you could still feel his pain and you realized he had a back story. 

  14. Josh says:

    So far nothing about this series has sounded bad. I love every new revelation about it.

  15. Jorge Camp says:

    I’m ready for a new companion. I find Clara tiresome.

  16. Jody Gibbs says:

    If people looked back at the original Dr. Who, he was also a bit aloof and a little dismissive about humans, so this is entirely in keeping with the “tradition.” 

  17. Live wire says:

    Isn’t he the 13th doctor, smith was the 12th cuz David got to regenerate as himself using his severed hand. 

    • Jayze says:

      No, he’s the 14th.

      8th- Paul McGann
      9th- War Doctor (John Hurt)
      10th- Christopher Ecclestone
      11th David Tennant
      12th- Tennant’s aborted regeneration
      13th- Matt Smith
      14th- Peter Capaldi

      • PandoraFox says:

        No… Not exactly, you’re looking at it too linear. Besides, by your logic, Smith’s doctor would be 13 & 14, because of the timeline with the Pandorica and the Impossible Astronaut.

      • Muddpuppy73 says:

        Matt Smith himself counted it off in his last episode. Peter is the 14th. 

      • Count Rassilon says:

        There will be debates about this for years. I personally believe that Capaldi is the 12th. To save all confusion, he is the 12th Incarnation.

  18. Ryan says:

    Well think about it this way if he is going back to the character he was in 1963 maybe it’s because of time lords gave him a whole new life cycle

  19. Anj says:

    I can’t wait! this is going to be great I can feel it in my Tardis….

  20. The show has to change and evolve, I’m just surprised how many fans are being dragged along rather than running alongside it. I love Moffat as a writer, and though he’s not quite Russell T Davies (but who the hell is?) he’s still a brilliant addition to the show, along with Gatiss who probably knows more about character development than the characters themselves.

    • it was a kids show that had to change.  If it had stayed a kids show then the people who remembered it when It came back in 2005 would not have been enough.  They did a very tricky thing with it.  They  managed to get kids liking it even though they had to have the story of it explained to them as we were now at Doctor 9.  They managed to keep the adults happy with a love story between 10 and Rose that kids didn’t feel was a love story  but the adults got and all this with the usual Doctor Who stuff and all before the watershed.  RTD did an wonderful job of keeping all parties happy and turning a kids show into a family show and there after a top ratings show.  But there’s nothing wrong with adults liking a kids show though.  Just look at Harry Potter.  A kids book that adults liked and there after liked the films as well.

      • Kezbot says:

        Not all the adults were happy with the Ten and Rose ”love story”. Ugh. It was the worst era ever and I’m glad it’s over. 

  21. John C. Webb says:

    Hows about this? (aimed at the people who think, for any variety of reasons, this series is gonna suck) … how about we wait, I don’t know, till AFTER THE SERIES STARTS before we go to criticizing or judging it? or is that just madness talking?

  22. t-rex603 says:

    I miss Matt already. He’s the Doctor that got my fiance interested. 

  23. Mamarose says:

    Doctor Who was created as a children’s show back in 1963. Through all of his incarnations ( and regenerations) he has stayed primarily a children’s show. Moffat himself has always maintained that designation as well. So, my biggest concern is if this is still primarily a childrens show (loved by adults as well) will taking a much darker turn, and having a much less approachable Doctor ultimately destroy what has always been a core truth about the show? I’m really concerned that if it’s as dark as they keep hinting at, the show WILL lose a significant segment of it’s fan base, not IMHO a good thing…

    • Tom says:

      Icy, aloof, impatient,  not really caring what humans think, it sounds as though he’s taking the character back to who he was in 1963.

    • pien says:

      Doctor who was created as a Family show,not a Children show. It also sounds that you are underestimate children and their way of thinking. The children will more then likely be more interested in Doctor 12 because of the mystery then they will be in Doctor 11 because Doctor 11 became too much human and a lot less interesting for Children to invest in.

      • Tommo says:

        It was created a children’s show that dad wouldn’t immediately want to turn off. It was a new kind of kids show. One that treated kids like grown ups, and allowed the grown ups to join in. It was, is, and always will be, first and foremost, a KIDS show.

    • Amanda says:

      it’s a kid’s show that has evolved into a family show.  If it was still a kids show then there wouldn’t have been all that kissing with 10 and his love story with Rose.  It had to change into a family show as most people who were interested in it when it came back in 2005 were older than when they used to watch it  as a kid.  If it had just stayed a kids show then the kids wouldn’t get it as there was so much story they didn’t know.  So by making it family friendly they managed to get the kids watching but keep the adults happy as well. 

    • MisterMistake says:

      It’s not new: in the classic series already people criticised some stories saying it was inappropriate to show to kids, I even seem to remember the Fourth Doctor (yes, Tom Baker!) to be targeted more specifically. It wouldn’t be the first time the show was dark either, there’s the whole run of Patrick Troughton, and in the New Who season six isn’t far behind in the shadow department!

    • it was a kids show that had to change. If it had stayed a kids show then the people who remembered it when It came back in 2005 would not have been enough. They did a very tricky thing with it. They managed to get kids liking it even though they had to have the story of it explained to them as we were now at Doctor 9. They managed to keep the adults happy with a love story between 10 and Rose that kids didn’t feel was a love story but the adults got and all this with the usual Doctor Who stuff and all before the watershed. RTD did an wonderful job of keeping all parties happy and turning a kids show into a family show and there after a top ratings show. But there’s nothing wrong with adults liking a kids show though. Just look at Harry Potter. A kids book that adults liked and there after liked the films as well.

    • adamm says:

      Kids love dark stories.  name a classic childeren’s story for over tens that isn’t dark.

    • Rhi89 says:

      Roald Dahl. Best books I read as a kid. And so disturbingly dark. Even Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. 

  24. Sls says:

    Some of the comments , are him seem more like “Dr. House” than Doctor Who. Are they adding a limp and a drug problem? And let’s not call Claire “13”, right?

    • Zombslyr says:

      Well, House and Who are both based on the same archetype, so it isn’t that odd. House/Wilson  = Holmes/Watson, Talons of want chi, etc.

  25. Zellim says:

    I was really hoping to see them leave behind the supplemental companions from last series. 

  26. Danielle says:

    I’m so excited too see the new series not gonna lie my birthday is on the 8th and im more excited about the new series 😀 <3

    • Jess says:

      Haha mines on the 29th and I’m the same; more excited for new Who than my birthday