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Pickstarter: Type Emoji On Your Mac With An Emoji Keyboard!

Raindrop, Finger pointing down, open hand, snowflake! Just when we made fluency in Wingdings a mandatory job requirement at the Nerdist offices, this thing just had to come into existence!

With an absolutely insane Kickstarter video and what we’re assured is actually a real product, the wonderfully weird minds over at DiskCactus bring us The Emoji Keyboard.

After looping their Kickstarter video for a few hours, we finally managed to break its spell and read the rest of the campaign. The keyboard is a silicone overlay for Mac that, when combined with some custom keyboard software, allows you to type in all your favorite emoji. With over 150 possibilities of emoji goodness, you no longer have to be tied down to the boring societal norms of forming words with those pesky letters.

When you think about it, the phrase “I love you, you smiling pile of poop” just looks better in its concise emoji form and let’s face it, we figure Mom appreciates the time she saves reading our message.

As Kickstarters are wont to do from time to time, the different levels of donation come with unique perks for helping the project come into fruition. With the cheapest option currently sold out, you can get your hands on one of these silicone beauts for as low as $15. Have a spare $350 or more hanging around? Donate and not only get one of the keyboards but also a weekend getaway to the Mendocino coast and a tour of the Japan-US cable system where the internet physically connects to Japan. Yup, that happens in a few places around the world.

Follow DiskCactus on Twitter and get your Emoji Keyboard here.

Are you going to be an earlier adopter of this new keyboard tech? Do you think it’ll ever beat Watley’s ant-farm keyboard? Was that Frisky Dingo joke too obscure? Let us know in the comments!

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