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PICKSTARTER: Orlando Nerd Fest presents #ONF2014 Live!

Do you love video game music? Are you also a nerd? Good news! Orlando Nerd Fest is a huge collaborative effort to create the world’s largest music festival that focuses on nerd culture and their #ONF2014 Live Kickstarter is the focus of today’s Pickstarter.

Orlando Nerd Fest takes place August 7-11, 2014 at the Orlando Airport Marriott and will feature performances by Final Fantasy composer Nobuo Uematsu and his band the Earthbound Papas, Critical Hit led by Blizzard composer Jason Hayes, Kirby Krackle and The Doubleclicks, among many others.

According to ONF2014, “Nerd Culture has for what seems like forever been building one of the most unique and special music scenes in the world.  If you’ve got a passion for something chances are good that there is a band or musician that has been producing music for it.  Be it nerdcore hip-hop, video game rock, fandom cover bands, chiptune, demoscene, or any of the other amazing genres that we love one thing remains the same, the community. In an age where new artists are constantly emerging and well-known performers are non-stop touring the largest and most exciting events are those that strive to bring everyone together in one location.”

The Kickstarter campaign is looking to raise $10,000 to “immortalize this event on CD and DVD.” ONF2014 has partnered with other industry giants to put together a comprehensive list of some of the most unique and legendary reward items that has ever been assembled including a guitar signed by “Video Games Live” creator Tommy Tallarico, a drum head signed by composer Chihiro Fujioka and more. In addition to autographed instruments, there are also meet-and-greets with Final Fantasy composer Nobuo Uematsu, World of Warcraft composer Jason Hayes, and God of War composer Gerard Marino up for grabs.

So what are you waiting for? Head over to Orlando Nerd Fest’s Kickstarter page and help these fine folks document one of the most unique music fests and communities in all the land.

Check out this giant Final Fantasy playlist below and get in the giving mood!

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  1. angry wee horse says:

      It really freaking sucked, I went friday, there was nothing to do. The main pull was Steam Powered Giraffe, other than that I wouldn’t of gone. All the hype and it went no where, seriously Ocala put off a way better con and it is a small place.