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Pickstarter: Help Turn Laura Palmer’s House Into a TWIN PEAKS Museum and B&B

Recently, the home used as the interiors for murdered prom queen Laura Palmer’s house from the pilot episode of David Lynch’s classic cult series Twin Peaks, as well as its movie prequel  Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me, went on the market (the exterior of the house in the series was a look-alike house, although the home’s real exterior was used in the movie). Now, a fan is hoping to turn this house into a Twin Peaks themed museum and bed and breakfast, so hardcore Peaks fans can stay in the house and experience the creepy vibe all for themselves year round.

According to website Welcome to Twin Peaks, Stephen Lange, a Seattle-based actor and director, is part of a group of Twin Peaks fans that want to buy the house in Everett, WA, and to raise money, Stephen has started a Kickstarter campaign, which include such perks for those who donate like “I Saved The Palmer House” posters, “The Palmer House” t-shirts, guided tours, which would of course include complimentary coffee and donuts (what, no pie?), overnight stays for up to eight guests, permanent name plaques in the living room, movie night at the Palmer house, and a year or lifelong access to all David Lynch themed events at the house. If they are able to buy the house with the help of fans, one of the cooler things they plan to do is turn the basement of the house into the famous Black Lodge/Red Room from the series and movie.

And to any couple who cosplay as Laura Palmer and BOB and stay in Laura’s bedroom, kudos: you are truly twisted and have this Twin Peaks fan’s eternal admiration. For more information, go to Stephen Lange’s Kickstarter page and make your donation.


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