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Pickstarter: Become A Spaceship Captain In GALACTIC PRINCESS

If you’ve ever thought about commanding your very own spaceship through the coarse constellations of the galaxy, your chance to channel your inner Jean-Luc Picard has come with Galactic Princess, a real time strategy title by Paris-based game studio Cecly. The game has been making waves around the indie scene as of late, and it just went up on Kickstarter along with this nifty trailer that goes more in depth on its premise:

Galactic Princess puts you in the shoes of an esteemed spaceship captain, giving you control of everything from your spaceship’s crew, cargo, design, and destination. There are clearly elements of FTL and Starcraft visible in this, and the crew progression aspects seem quite similar to those seen in the Mass Effect series.

Fans of the RTS micro-managing style of play may want to keep their missiles locked onto this one. The Kickstarter campaign for Galactic Princess will last through March 16 and has almost been funded nearly half way despite just going live less than 24 hours ago, so hop on over if you’d like to see this game on your PC or Mac upon its completion.

HT: Kickstarter

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