I may be 24, but I still love Pokemon. I find this adorable. I’d say yes should a girl gave it to me, if we lived in a universe where it’s ok for women to ask men out on dates.
I have a feeling people will have split opinions on this smooth, dating tactic.
(via Kotaku)
Gotta Catch’em All. All of my tweets.
it is actually ok for women to ask men out in most of Europe, for some reason we’re stuck in the 1860s here.
It would have been hoter if that gameboy color was the super sleek, very 90’s see through one…. THEN I’d be into it!
in my dreams i wish
Of course girls can ask boys out. Re-calibrate your sarcasm detectors.
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This is beyond hot
This is way awesome I would so do this and Ig think a girl can ask a dude out I although I don’t think many are creative enough to do this in Houston lol j/k
It makes you wounder would this work if you ask that person to marry you. ????? i think they would have to all be LV 100 before she says yes.
No deal they’re not even level 100. Slacker.
This is so adorable! Makes me wish I’d thought of it. Then again, I just kinda grabbed my now-fiance and kissed him, and it worked out.
P.S. I’m a girl, and I think this is awesome, and I’m in San Diego! I’m just taken. Sorry Nicholas.
Thanks awesome!!! I would totally say yes, then beat the shit out of the elite 4
aaaaaawwww…..TOOOO CUTE!!!
Women can’t ask men out on dates?? Any man who thinks that is not worth asking out.
How would you decline that? Catch a Magikarp and name it “No”?
That is much too awesome! Instant yes!
Why aren’t there girls like these commenters where I live?? I need to get out of San Diego…
That is the most oh my gosh perfect thing ever.
What if the person who received that game restarted it before looking at the party?
“You” is only level 59…. tsk tsk.
Also, women can totally ask men out :/
Anyway, I would love if someone asked me out this way. A guy asked me out by punching out the letters on a graphing calculator once, LOL. I didn’t say yes, but it was cute and nerdy.
I have so many great stories of nerdy pick-up lines or romantical en devours. My last date, she was playing D&D on weekends with a friend and mentioned she could use more D20…so on my next GeekyClean soap order, I grabbed a bar of Sexterity soap (pink bar, heart shape in middle, and a d20 in the mold)…she couldn’t stop cuddling me all night :).
Aaawww…. That’s way cute.
If someone asked me out like that, I’d LMFAO but I’d say yes if she’s pretty and no if she’s uggo.
I would instantly marry this person, because clearly they are amazing.
I think ‘OUT’ is a Charizard. Just saying.
Huh? Girls can’t ask guys out? Says who? =\
But anyways, that’s very cute. I love Pokemon.
Really cute
Makes me think fondly of how my incredibly nerdy husband first asked me out (via AIM, of course): “So, if you don’t get smitten with someone, and I don’t get struck by lightning, do you want to go on a date with me when we get back to school?”
XD Makes me feel like taking one of my Pokémon games and doing just that.
Gameboy COLOR! Where’s my old copy of blue and silver? That’s freakin’ adorable. But what if the sender is trying to catch them all? Scary…very, very scary.
I’m not a hardcore fan of pokemon but if I was asked out like that I’d definitely say yes.
Yes! God I hope she’d say yes, or I’d run off to the Safari Zone and cry alone for weeks.
That’s. Freaking. ADORABLE!!! ;D
10 for creativity! I would totally say yes.
It’s not ok for women to ask men out? I must be from another universe…
Damn, and I thought my winking and clicking were creative ways to get a date.
<3 !