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Patrick Stewart and James Corden are a Fantastic Magic Duo

We have found the answer to one of history’s most nagging, unresolved questions today: “How does Patrick Stewart look exactly the same now as he did when he starred in Star Trek: The Next Generation in the 80s?” It’s not through cryogenic freezing, refusing to smile for 40 years, or a kitty litter facial scrub a la Snooki, but magic!

That sounds like a cop-out from a bad novel to explain a plot hole, but the magic show Stewart put on with James Corden on yesterday’s Late Late Show has us convinced that he is capable of all. It seems as though Corden and Stewart go back further than we realized, as the duo was apparently “the No. 2 must-see act of Blackpool’s 1987 summer season,” and that their display of illusionist bliss Tuesday night was their final reunion, the conclusion of Cosmagification.

And they were on point: The two pulled a seemingly bottomless quantity of handkerchiefs from a bottomless hat, produced bouquets of roses seemingly out of thin air, and sawed a woman completely in half—although we would have been more impressed if they had halved her longways instead of at the waist. And they did all of this while donning Jerry Seinfeld-style puffy shirts.

For those of you wishing that Stewart never gave up on magic, here’s the thing: He never really did. If you’ve seen Stewart in Star Trek: The Next Generation, the X-Men franchise, and American Dad, you know that his performances are in fact magic. The magic of Patrick Stewart has been in front of us—and inside of us—all along.

HT: Uproxx

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