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Party Up: Bethesda Reveals CRAGLORN, First ELDER SCROLLS ONLINE Expansion

For all of you Elder Scrolls Online veterans out there, Bethesda’s just revealed some new content for you and three of your buddies in the upcoming Craglorn expansion. It’s coming later this month to all subscribers to the Elder Scrolls MMO, adding – as you will – the titular area, and new story quests built specifically for four and twelve-player groups.

While the game’s Creative Director, Paul Sage, has more to say about Craglorn in the video below, the big takeaway is that you’ll need three other seasoned players to tackle the new exploration/narrative content in Craglorn and the game is introducing its Trials mode. This last bit sends you and 11 other players on timed combat quests in the new region with a limited number of resurrections. Complete a trial quickly enough without too many deaths and you make it onto the leaderboards.

Craglorn will be free sometime at the end of April.

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  1. Liquid Wolf says:

    Bad title. How about “Content Update”?

    Expansion has a certain connotation that suggests something else.