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Own the Seas and Game Night with a Kraken-D20

You’re lost at sea, adrift in an endless expanse of darkness, as the salt of the waves crash over you with unrelenting power. Then, something rises from the water, growing larger, a black mass somehow darker than the moonless night. So you do the only thing you can: you try to roll a 16+ to escape and then grab a coke from the fridge. Except this time you roll that 16 with the most fearsome D20 imaginable: your fully functional kraken die.

Made by Nvenom8 Designs, this roughly 3-inch explosion of tentacles really is a working D20. You can purchase a plastic one from a range of colors for as little as 15 dollars, or if you want something a little sturdier there are a number of different steel options for 50 dollars.

Of course, some of you need the best of the best, and for you they have raw bronze and raw brass models that will run you 120 dollars. Sure, that might be a lot for a game piece, but think about how much more satisfying it will be when you roll a 19-kraken to escape Cthulhu.


If you still don’t think this thing works, they put together a little video to show it in action. Although, don’t be too disappointed that they didn’t set the video to the House Greyjoy music.

What other creatures or monsters would you like to see converted so that you can roll it off the table over and over again while your friends get annoyed? Give us some ideas below.

IMAGES: Nvenom8 Designs

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