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Owen Wilson, MR. ROBOT, Oscar Isaac, THE SIMPSONS: The Week In Podcasts

Good stuff all week on the Nerdist Podcast Network? You bet. Like:

Owen Wilson came to the Nerdist Podcast and immediately ended up talking to Chris about Taylor Swift, because of course they did. But then they get serious about the Internet, the volume of information at our fingertips, nutrition, “Blue Zones,” and lots about Owen’s career, from Bottle Rocket to his current No Escape and, yes, Zoolander 2.

Since we (understandably) have to wait an extra week for the season finale of Mr. Robot, you have more time to listen to the show’s stars, Christian Slater and Rami Malek, on the Nerdist Podcast. There’s talk about career, the show’s writing (turns out Sam Esmail is real and not, as Chris thought, just an anagram for Mass Email. Though, that, too). And you get to hear how Christian losing out on one role led to his breakthrough in Heathers, and a surprise personal link between Rami and Christian.

We heard Oscar Isaac on the Nerdist Podcast, and while he couldn’t really talk much about Star Wars yet, he could and did talk about X-Men Apocalypse, Ex Machina, and his current HBO mini-series Show Me a Hero, in which he plays the Mayor of Yonkers who had to shepherd a low-income housing project past some fierce opposition. Oscar also talked about his background — born in Guatemala, raised in Miami, close with his father, going to tent revivals as a kid — and theology and his pretty amazing acting resumé so far.

James L. Brooks returned with Al Jean, Matt Selman, and David Silverman in tow to talk all about The Simpsons with Entertainment Weekly‘s James Hibberd on Nerdist Writers Panel from ATX in Austin. Three decades of groundbreaking comedy right here. Plus, some previews of what you’ll see (and who you’ll hear) in the upcoming season, talk about the changes (and non-changes) over the years, the Groundhog Day approach to writing a show where everything is back to square one each week, and lots more.

No Kumail? Well, Emily filled that void with Cameron Esposito and Rhea Butcher on The Indoor Kids this week. Tetris comes up. Baseball, too. And Esports, social interaction, and Fried Green Tomatoes.

Animation voice specialist (Dragonball Z) Christopher Sabat was the latest Boy of Summer on The JV Club, and the self-described “weird kid” covered his early years from his grandfather’s unfortunate advice to becoming what Janet described as “a tiny Max from Rushmore.” There’s even a story involving a Jean Michel Jarre concert in downtown Houston. You do not get that everywhere.

Makeup maven and new host Annamarie Tendler Mulaney visited Bizarre States and was subjected to Bowser telling a story about sharting in public. Blame probiotics.

Kevin and Steve’s old pal sound guy David Alvarez was Chewin’ It with the guys on this week’s show, which could have been subtitled “Farting in Cars with Comedians.” David, who’s worked on almost all of the Broken Lizard projects as well as Godzilla and many more, discusses his career and changes in technology, as well as Kevin’s allegations of Altoid overindulgence.

We got not one, but two Ding-Donger with Matt Braungers. Ding-Dongers with Matt Braunger? Aah, don’t be the grammar police, it’s Friday.

You Made It Weird came to you from Just for Laughs Montreal 2015 with an all-star cast: Moshe Kasher, Ian Edwards, Jamie Lee, Neal Brennan and Margaret Cho.

Marc Evan Jackson — Sparks Nevada himself! — and Janet Varney offered another post-Thrilling Adventure Hour wrap up, and we already miss that show so much.

More: The writer-director of Nerdist Presents: The Hive David Yarovesky dropped by Today We Learned. Pro You checked in with Matt Mira to see what progress our hero’s made. Speaking of Mira, James Bonding came back with the Matts joined by Mark McConville and James Bladon to talk about Octopussy. Kurt tried another new format, a solo thing, on The K Ohle. We got a brief visit from Dave and Anna to update us on Terrified‘s live tour and pending return to the podcast realm. Nat Towsen joined the Comic Book Club; Comedian and film festival impresario Wayne Federman guested on Pop My Culture, with Jaime Fox sitting in for Vanessa this week. The Legacy Music Hour remixed the third Free Play episode. And Gil learned all about Lyft from Ethan Eyler on The Mutant Season.

You can hear all of it and more on the Nerdist Podcast Network homepage and keep informed at the Nerdist Podcast Network Facebook page. It is advisable that you do so. You won’t regret it.

Contributor: Kyle Clark
No Escape, The Weinstein Company/Bold Films

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