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OVERWATCH Player Masters DJ Lucio with Turntable Controller

If there’s one thing that separates us as human beings from our lower primate brethren, it’s the ability to make things more fun and less efficient. And that is exactly what YouTuber WhyBeAre did with his new Overwatch control setup. Using the turntables from DJ Hero, WhyBeAre managed to play an entire game of Overwatch as the game’s very own DJ, Lucio. Sure, it was a custom game against bots, but we’ll give him a pass for ingenuity.

Using the right turntable to control the camera, the left to move, and various buttons for Lucio’s other abilities, WhyBeAre actually isn’t half bad. There are a few problems with the setup, though. For one, if Lucio’s speed boost is turned on the character cannot stop moving forward. Additionally, the aiming function doesn’t allow him to look up or down, meaning he can only target people at his chest level, but head shots are overrated anyway. Right? This also ensures that he’ll definitely be on your team and never on the enemy team and why can’t I just get a good team for once in a… Sorry. This game takes up too much of my life.

Overwatch is optimized for mouse and keyboard and controller, but hopefully Blizzard will see that turntable support is the way of the future, much more than virtual or augmented reality. At least we have something new to hold us over until Sombra comes out.

What do you think of WhyBeAre’s new way to play? Do you and your friends use your own weird controller setup? Let us know in the comments below.

Featured Image: Blizzard Entertainment

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