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Our Very Own Jonah Ray Was a Guest DJ on KCRW, He Brought the Jams

What are five songs that you would want the world to hear? That’s a question that KCRW’s Guest DJ Project sets out to answer with its myriad of special guests over the years. Our fearless leader Chris Hardwick contributed way back in 2011, Neil deGrasse Tyson brought some out-of-this-world love of Van Morrison’s Moondance (see what I did there?), and more recently, Chuck Palahniuk shared what hearing “Baker Street” makes him feel.

This time around we get to listen to five songs from our very own Jonah Ray!

In addition to co-hosting the Nerdist Podcast and The Meltdown with Jonah and Kumail, Jonah hosts and is quite literally the namesake of his music podcast Jonah Raydio. He’s basically secured himself as a resident authority on music and we certainly pay attention when he’s got some thoughts on it. If you’re familiar with Jonah and his opinions on music, the playlist he curated for KCRW just feels right.

Mel Brooks – “High Anxiety”

Minor Threat – “Out of Step”

Sleater-Kinney – “The Size of Our Love”

The Weakerthans – “Everything Must Go”

Fartbarf – “Homeless in Heathrow”

What’s great about this list, and the KCRW segment, is the thought and care that went into choosing each song. Each seem to be chosen for pivotal points in Jonah’s life. “High Anxiety” giving a young Jonah inspiration for what could be accomplished by an individual if you work hard enough. “Out of Step” offering him resolve that it’s okay to be different as a young man while “The Size of Our Love” shows self reflection of how he defines love and support. “Everything Must Go” by the Weakerthans (one of Jonah’s favorite bands) came at a point in his life that is slightly corny yet completely fitting for his move to LA to become a comedian. He does however make a great point, citing the line “slave wage, 40-hour week, weighs a 1,000 kilograms.” This could very well be a negative but if that pressure is always there, why even worry about it if you’re doing what you want to do with your life. Finishing off the list with a song by Fartbarf is fitting as Jonah explains how great it can be when a band just lets their music speak for itself.

As always, Jonah tackles introspection with aplomb, speaking with unabashed candor about his life and his love of music. We’re certainly glad KCRW had him on and for those of you who need more Jonah and music in your lives, make sure to check out Jonah Raydio and that other podcast he’s on with those two other guys. Oh man, what’s the name of it? Hold on… It’ll come to me, just give me a second.





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