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Original TWIN PEAKS Stars Tease the New Showtime Series

Twin Peaks was one of the biggest cult TV series of the ’90s before it fizzled out after two seasons. There had been rumors of a possible continuation off-and-on for years, before Showtime shocked everyone by getting co-creators David Lynch and Mark Frost to revive Twin Peaks as a new miniseries. In a new video from Showtime, original series stars Kyle MacLachlan and Miguel Ferrer admitted that even they were caught off guard by the revival, but they clearly seem to be happy about it.

“We knew it was going to be something special,’ said MacLachlan in the video. “But we didn’t know in what form or how… There’s nothing I can say to describe it. It’s been absolutely wonderful.” MacLachlan is also briefly seen on the set of the revival, in costume as his iconic character, Special Agent Dale Cooper.

Other stars from the original series, including Harry Goaz, Kimmy Robertson, Dana Ashbrook, and James Marshall briefly spoke in the video about their return to the franchise. The newcomers to the cast, Amy Shiels, Jim Belushi, Robert Knepper, and Chrysta Bell offered only a few teasers about what to expect. There were no spoilers here, but that’s probably for the best. Lynch and Frost’s Twin Peaks universe is better experienced than spoiled. Would you really want to know every detail before it shows up on screen?

Showtime hasn’t yet set a premiere date for the new Twin Peaks, but it will premiere in 2017. It’s also unclear how many episodes will make up the miniseries, but we’ll take what we can get!

Are you as excited for the new Twin Peaks episodes as we are? Grab a damn fine cup of coffee and share your thoughts below!

Image: Showtime

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