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Origami Darth Vader Will Bend to Your Will

Search your feelings about Darth Vader. One moment he’s earning your ire with the cold-blooded torture of Han Solo’s pretty face, and the next he has your adoration, peeling the mask off his little pale Humpty Dumpty-looking head so he can look at his son with his own eyes. We love to hate him, we hate to love him. He’s almost as complex as his origami incarnation, created by master origami artist, Tadashi Mori.

Mori, a YouTuber with tutorials for everything origami from Pokemon to Fiery Dragons to Buster Swords to… Roses, has, for his most recent creation, turned his talents toward the Don of the Dark Side—the only intentional choke artist there ever was—Darth Vader. And needless to say, the creation is “impressive… most impressive.” Seriously, this is some Jedi Knight-level paper folding.

Although Mori says that origami Vader is an intermediate level fold, it seems like a daunting task, especially considering that the video is 44 minutes long. But if there is still good in you—good folding skills that is—then this challenge is probably right up your Death Star trench.

If you want to keep up with Mori, he’s on all the social media platforms (Twitter, Facebook, and on Instagram as tadashiorigami), and has a website dedicated to his creations. His origami Vader even earned a shoutout from another head of an extraordinarily powerful empire, Stan Lee.

What do you think about Mori’s origami Darth Vader? Are you ready to face this fold alone, or is escape your plan? Let us know in the comments section below!

HT: Laughing Squid

Images: Tadashi Mori

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