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OPERATION Board Game Becomes Edible Cake

Operation has been a popular board game for almost six decades. And while there have been variations of the original version, there’s never been an Operation game that you could actually eat, until now.

Via Foodbeast, Ann Reardon has posted a new video on her How To Cook That YouTube channel that reveals how she created an Operation cake that not only approximates the board game, it actually works! This means that Cavity Sam will really speak while parts of his body are removed with tweezers. This isn’t an official release from Hasbro, of course, but we wish that it was. For the truly adventurous cooks, Reardon’s video is a very thorough how-to.

Fair warning: if you’re going to try to make this at home, don’t get too frustrated. Reardon clearly has a lot of skill, and it takes a lot patience and hard work to create the different parts of the Operation cake. It’s more of a work of art than something that can be easily reproduced by a novice. It’s especially impressive to see how Reardon made the game’s signature audio clips work without wiring the entire cake. It turns out that Twizzlers can complete the electric circuit with the wires!

This culinary masterpiece is almost too good to eat, although we certainly wouldn’t mind a chance to play and devour this Operation game. To see more of Reardon’s food creations, you can check out the rest of her videos.

What did you think about Reardon’s edible Operation cake? Leave a response without touching the sides of the comment section below!

Image: How To Cook That

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