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One Man’s PREDATOR Home is Another Man’s Treasure

When house hunting, it’s always best one goes and takes a tour of the property to see what they’re getting into. However, thanks to the days of the internet, a tour can come as simple as scrolling through a photo gallery. That said, if one new listing is any indication, you’re going to want to start going on tours in Sweden regardless of whether or not you’re actually in the market because sometimes you never know what gems you’re going to find. Thanks to the glorious powers of the internet, one man’s listing in Sweden has garnered some major attention. Why? Just see for yourself:

Someone should seriously call Shane Black and get this guy a job on the new Predator reboot because, well…


Why would anyone want to sell a house this awesome? More importantly, why would anyone want to sell a house this awesome rather than turn it into a tourist attraction? Do you know how much money you could make by turning that room into a museum or, better yet, small concert venue? The possibilities are endless you glorious Swedish nerd!

Our only hope now is whoever ends up buying this lovely piece of real estate doesn’t take their own “creative interpretation” of it and undue all the work that clearly went into this place. Seriously, can we start a kickstarter or something to buy the place ourselves in order to keep it in the pristine condition it’s already in? Hell, maybe we can turn that garage into a police station for Danny Glover. Let’s do it!


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