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Animation Investigation

OK K.O.! LET’S BE HEROES’ Creator Ian Jones-Quartey Talks the Show’s Hidden Easter Eggs

Cartoon Network’s OK K.O.! Let’s Be Heroes might be set in the future, but it’s jam-packed with homages and tributes to classic animated series, video games, and characters. It has so many Easter eggs it can be hard to spot all of them, even for the most devoted fans. We don’t want to miss any of them, though, so we had the show’s creator Ian Jones-Quartey in for a very special edition of our series dedicated to all things ‘toon, Animation Investigation, so he could reveal all of the references hidden throughout his world of superheroes.

This week’s Animation Investigation became an Animation Interrogation, as host Hector Navarro asked Jones-Quartey about the inspiration behind some of OK K.O.! Let’s Be Heroes‘ best characters. He explained how many of them draw upon beloved cartoons and games we grew up with, like Sonic the Hedgehog, Looney Tunes, and Clash at Demonhead, as well as the many black superheroes who can harness the power of electricity.

All of the show’s Easter eggs make for one of the reasons we love it so much. But there’s still one question we need answered. And while a less prepared person absolutely would have fallen prey to Hector’s harsh and relentless grilling about who K.O.’s father really is, that’s one secret we’re going to have to wait for.

What hidden reference that you know about now is your favorite? Don’t keep yours a secret from us, share it in the comments section below.

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