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Ode to Chucky: Fright Rags’ Limited Edition CHILD’S PLAY T-Shirts Available for Pre-Order

As an observer on the Cinemarathon podcast, where a handful of movie nerds gather together and watch all the films in a particular series in one day and then chat about it, I recently watched all of the Chucky movies. While this was not the most painful or beloved marathon I’ve ever sat in on, it was an eye-opener.

You see, I had only ever seen one of the later Child’s Play films: Bride of Chucky. Yes, the ultra gothic one starring amazing actress/love of my life, Jennifer Tilly, as Chucky’s bride-to-be and future baby momma. The silliness had already been ramped up by then, so by the time I consumed Child’s Play (1988), Child’s Play 2 (1993), Child’s Play 3 (1995), Bride of Chucky (1998), Seed of Chucky (2004), and Curse of Chucky (2013), I was not expecting the full roller coaster of emotions Chucky’s journey set me on.


What starts as an extremely creepy movie about a little boy whose doll gets possessed by the spirit of a snarky serial killer (Brad Dourif!), follows the kid as he grows up (why doesn’t anyone believe him??), leaves him behind for a questionable ’90s horror-romance, and culminates in what could have very well been the end of the series: the ostensibly terrible and endlessly entertaining Seed of Chucky.

As with all ’80s slasher series, Child’s Play got its own little not-a-reboot and may be well on its way to another sequel if we’re lucky. (The Lakeshore Strangler lives, dammit!) All of this is to say that throughout the course of that fateful day, I fell head over heels for the campy, conniving little killer, and I think Chucky is due a serious comeback.

Thankfully, horror apparel company Fright Rags is doing their part to bring the murderous toy back into the spotlight. You can pre-order one of four Chucky t-shirt designs ($27), a screenprinted poster ($30), or, if you’ve got a friend you want to freak out, your very own Good Guy doll ($130). Check ’em out in the gallery below.

Which print will you be pre-ordering? What’s your favorite Chucky movie? Want to start a Kickstarter to bring Jennifer Tilly back for the next sequel?? Let us know in the comments below or chat with me about it on Twitter @RachelHeine.

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  1. nickchad says:

    Unless I’m missing something, there isn’t an actual doll for sale is there? The picture of the doll box is just a box with a some shirts in it.