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Oculus Rift Is Available for Pre-Order at $599

After spending what seems like millennia talking about the Oculus Rift, the public inched ever closer to finally being able to own that ultimate top-of-the-line virtual reality headset. As revealed at CES 2016, he Rift was just made available for pre-order, so you can claim one for yourself as long as you have $599 to spare.

While the price tag might scare off more casual consumers with just a cursory curiosity of virtual reality technology, there’s little doubt that many sales will take place, what with all of the anticipation that has been building within the industry and among early adopters.

The pre-order comes with the headset, sensor, Oculus Remote, cables, and an Xbox One Controller, as well as the VR games EVE: Valkyrie and Lucky’s Tale. The initially announced ship date was March, and according to Engadget, the pre-order page showed April as the correct date “just minutes after orders opened.” But now, the expected ship date is listed as May 2016. It’s not clear if the push-backs are because of expected volume of pre-orders or other issues.

While the Rift appears to be the premium VR headset product, there are a few things you should know before you commit $600 to this pre-order. For example, Oculus previously listed the cost of the headset and a suitable PC with which to use it at about $1500, meaning that you need a $900 computer to take full advantage of the Rift.

The other factor to consider is the possibility of suitable, or superior, alternatives. HTC and Sony both have headsets on the way, although it’s not yet clear how they’ll compare to the Rift in terms of cost and quality. Regardless, if you’re confident in the Oculus Rift and want to secure one for yourself today, head over here and go for it, and let us know in the comments if you plan on being an early adopter.


HT: Engadget

Featured image courtesy of Oculus

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