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Obscenely Awesome Business Card Tracks its Holder’s Heart Rate

Move over Patrick Bateman, Péter Isza has the hottest business card in the room now.

Isza, the founder of a Hungarian company called MobilECG, recently released the above video on his YouTube channel, which showcases a business card that provides a readout of its holder’s heart rate. So now you can know for certain whether or not your acquaintance is really “excited to meet you.”

The card is an example of MobilECG’s handheld holter technology, portable devices that continuously record of electrical activity of the heart. MobileECG’s website states that its team has decided to tackle mobile holters in particular because it was “Fed up with the unreasonably high price, cumbersome design, and dishonest distribution practices of clinical ECG machines.”


According to Isza, the card itself costs about 25 euros (or a little over 27 dollars), and, unfortunately, is not currently available for purchase by regular consumers. Isza says that his team made them specifically to give to investors, although with all of the positive feedback he’s received, he says that they may reconsider making it a normal retail product.

It should be noted that while the MobilECG card does give a real readout of its holder’s heart rate, it cannot be considered a genuine medical diagnostic device. Isza stresses this point. He does say that he and his team are working on a medically valid mobile diagnostic holter, which will eventually give doctors “frequent, reliable high-quality records” for their patients, as well as the ability to have ECG records analyzed by medical professionals over the internet. MobilECG’s tech is also open source, so anybody who wants to build off their software or hardware has that option.

Regardless of the card’s current diagnostic capabilities, the step toward making medical tech cheaper and handier is certainly in the right direction. Now if they could just make the ECG card with a “subtle off-white coloring” and a watermark, that would be… impressive.

What do you think about MobilECG’s ECG business card? Did it make your heart rate spike, or is this project flatlining? Let us know in the comments section below!

HT: Reddit

Images: Peter Isza

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