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Not Even Princess Leia is Immune from Street Harassment in STAR WARS Parody Video

Hold onto your butts, folks: this one might get a little controversial. But in this Star Wars parody video there is evidence irrefutable — street harassment is a problem for all women. From us regular run-of-the-mill human types on planet Earth, to intergalactic, imperial princesses from galaxies far, far, away, the business of men approaching women unwanted is everywhere, and apparently not even Yoda is noble enough to be above it all — which is honestly pretty surprising!

A parody of the catcalling street harassment video that took over the Internet for awhile last month, you may find it offensive, or — conversely — indicative of the severity of the problem itself. Isn’t it funny how not even a princess, dressed modestly all in white, can catch a break when it comes to being bothered simply because she’s a woman? The fact that the heir of the Alderaanian throne is considered fair game? Not cool.

And it’s not just a bunch of regular creeps that got in on the action; even Indiana Jones showed up to throw a pick-up line Leia’s way. Be it Jawa, Lando, Yoda, Han Solo, a few stormtroopers, Obi Wan Kenobi, or Lobot — apparently the Force is just not strong enough to quell their inner creeps. Heck, even Luke Skywalker and his (and Leia’s might we add!) dad Darth Vader even got in on the fuss, which is really just gross.

No ladies are immune to it: not even political revolutionary types that also happen to be Jedi Knights of the New Jedi Order.

What do you think of the video? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.

Image: Cringe Factory

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  1. Josh says:

    They missed on trick… Han Solo and Indy should have been played by the same guy.

  2. Jesus fucking christ, not everything needs to be remade with Star Wars characters. Has FOD’s Gungan Style taught us nothing?